1200_SOFT-BEST.NET S60 (OS6, 7, 8, 9) Full Version
Edition OKTOBER 2009, size = 116.65 MB
Semua Applikasi, Game dan Thema adalah Full. File dalam bentuk Jad, Sis dan Sisx. Anda bisa menginstall menggunakan media Blutooth, IR atau Cable Data................................................... Untuk Menginstall Symbian OS9 yang ber ent. Sisx ada triknya yaitu : ............... (Bawa telur ayam kampung 1 butir ke Cendana Gang 9 RT 28 No. 40)......... Kalau tidak di HP akan muncul messeage: sertifikat kada luarsa, file rusak dan install gagal.
Edition OKTOBER 2009, size PACK1= 35.651 KB & PACK2= 34.671 KB
Semua Applikasi, Game dan Thema dalam Pack ini adalah Full. File dalam bentuk Jad dan Sis (OS6 dan OS7). Anda bisa menginstall menggunakan media Blutooth, IR atau Cable Data. Terdiri dari 2 pack DOWNLOAD1 (148 SW) dan DOWNLOAD2 (148 SW)
Nokia PC Suite 7.1 Full Version
Edition Juli 2009, size= 32,2 MB
Nokia PC Suite is a package of Windows-based PC applications developed especially for use with Nokia phones. Depending on your phone model, Nokia PC Suite lets you edit, synchronize and back up many of your phones files on a compatible PC through a cable or wireless connection. Here are some key features of Nokia PC Suite: Back up and restore phone files Transfer information, pictures, and music from phone to phone or phone to PC Synchronize your phone and PC calendars Edit contacts, pictures, and phone file names Install Javabased applications in your phone Convert ringing tone formats Play multimedia messages and videos Send text messages from the PC Connect by using your phone as a modem
MyPhoneExplorer 1.6.4 (Sony Ericsson) Full Version
Edition Juli 2009, size= 2.846 KB
Simply explore your SonyEricsson phone ! With this program you can administer its Sony-Ericsson mobile phone simply. MyPhoneExplorer is a free and useful program with the help of which you can administer its Sony-Ericsson mobile phone simply. Connect your phone via cable, bluetooth or infrared and you’ll be surprised how easy and efficient you can manage your phone with this compact software.